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ALSHP Summer Clinical Meeting 2025 Sponsor/Exhibitor Registration

  • Sun, June 22, 2025
  • Mon, June 23, 2025
  • Hilton Pensacola Beach (12 Via De Luna Dr, Pensacola Beach, FL 32561)


  • -The meeting program is printed in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, all color.
    -Placement based on reservation date. All ads are full color.
    - Ad size= Half-Page Horizontal: 7.5”w x 5”h Half-Page Vertical: 3.5”w x 10”h
  • The meeting program is printed in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, all color.
    -Placement based on reservation date. All ads are full color.
    - Ad size= 3.5" W x 5" H
  • -The meeting program is printed in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, all color.
    -Ad size= 8.5”w x11”h, bleed 1/8” (bleed size 8.75”w x 11.25”h)
  • -The meeting program is printed in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, all color.
    -Placement based on reservation date. All ads are full color.
    - Ad size= 8.5”w x11”h, bleed 1/8” (bleed size 8.75”w x 11.25”h)
  • -The meeting program is printed in an 8 1/2 x 11 format, all color.
    -All ads are full color.
    -Ad size= 8.5”w x11”h, bleed 1/8” (bleed size 8.75”w x 11.25”h)
  • -Reinforce your message and follow up after the meeting with a post-event attendee list
    -The list will be provided electronically within one week post-event
    -The attendee list is for the use of the paid exhibitor for post event only

    *ALSHP will electronically provide a PDF list of pre-registered attendees that will be distributed prior to the meeting, followed by an updated list of attendees within one week after the meeting.
    ALSHP is obligated by law to ask attendees if they wish to opt out of publishing their names and contact information for exhibitors. Exhibitors will receive only the information of those attendees who do NOT opt out.
  • -Let attendees know why they need to visit your booth and meet with you.
    -The list will be provided electronically prior to the meeting (one month, one week)
    -The attendee list is for the use of the paid exhibitor in preparation for the event only

    *ALSHP will electronically provide a PDF list of pre-registered attendees that will be distributed prior to the meeting, followed by an updated list of attendees within one week after the meeting. ALSHP is obligated by law to ask attendees if they wish to opt out of publishing their names and contact information for exhibitors. Exhibitors will receive only the information of those attendees who do NOT opt out.
  • -Add a promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration
    -Promotional flyers are provided by your company and subject to ALSHP approval
  • -Two (2) Complimentary prime booth locations at both Summer and Fall Meetings -Complimentary exhibitor registration for up to four (4) company representatives to attend both Summer and Fall Meetings -Complimentary participation in Reverse Expo for four (4) company representatives at both Summer and Fall Meetings -Early entry into Reverse Expo -Exclusive invite to attend ALSHP’s Attendee Social Networking event during the Summer Meeting -Sponsor ribbons for your company’s representatives -Recognition as a Diamond sponsor in online and printed meeting programs -Enhanced pre and post attendee list -Choice of full page ad or 1/2 page logo in six (6) of ALSHP’s Newsletters -First choice selection on Product Theaters (Additional Sponsorship fee, Food and Audio-Visual costs are NOT included) -Promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration -Fee waived ($500) for participation in promotional dinners associated with a major meeting, as well as promotional dinners, social events, or other sponsored events that are not associated with a major meeting
  • -Complimentary reserved booth during two consecutive ALSHP Annual Meetings.
    -Complimentary participation in the Reverse Expo for two (2) company representatives at the 2025 Summer and Fall Meetings.
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend the 2025 Summer and Fall Meetings (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Sponsor ribbons for your company’s representatives
    -¼ Page ad or logo in six (6) of ALSHP’s Newsletters
    -Recognition as a Gold Sponsor in online and printed meeting programs
    -Pre and Post Registration list
    -Promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration (optional)
  • -Complimentary prime booth location for two consecutive meetings.
    -Complimentary participation in Reverse Expo for two (2) company representatives at both the 2025 Summer and Fall Meetings.
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend both meetings (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Sponsor ribbons for your company’s representatives
    -Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor in online and printed meeting programs
    -Pre and Post Registration list
    -½ page ad or logo in six (6) of ALSHP’s Newsletters
    -First choice selection on Product Theaters (food and av additional)
    -Promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration (optional)
    -Fee waived ($500) for participation in promotional dinners, social events, or other sponsored events not associated with a major meeting
  • -Complimentary reserved booth during two consecutive ALSHP Annual Meetings.
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend both the 2025 Summer and Fall Meetings (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Sponsor ribbons for your company’s representatives
    -¼ Page ad or logo in three (3) of ALSHP’s Newsletters
    -Recognition as a Silver Sponsor in online and printed meeting programs
    -Pre and Post Registration list
    -Promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration (optional)
  • -Complimentary reserved booth during two consecutive ALSHP Annual Meetings.
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend both Summer and Fall Meetings (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Sponsor ribbons for your company’s representatives
    -¼ Page ad or logo in three (3) of ALSHP's Newsletters
    -Recognition as a Silver sponsor in online and printed meeting programs
    -Promotional brochure flyer to be distributed to attendees during registration (optional)
    -Pre and Post Registration list

    Plus Reverse Expo registration for up to two company representatives
  • - Lanyards will be distributed onsite to all conference attendees - Attendees are required to wear their name badge for the duration of the annual meeting, giving your company’s name hundreds of impressions - Recognition as badge lanyard sponsor in online and printed meeting programs - Price includes badge lanyards featuring sponsor's logo - Your one-color logo (white or black based on lanyard color) will be imprinted on lanyard - Choice of lanyard color - Logo required to be sent to ALSHP 60 days in advance to allow for production time - Cost includes lanyard production. Lanyards will be selected and purchased by ALSHP.
  • Current Sponsor
    Only used by ALSHP Admin
  • -ALSHP booth fees include up 2 company representatives to attend and exhibit during meetings
    - This fee is for any individual additional company representative (per individual)
    - Fee includes meal functions
    - Fee does not include Reverse Expo
    - Registration valid only during ALSHP's 2025 Summer Meeting
  • -Complimentary booth at the 2025 Summer Meeting
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend the 2025 Summer Meeting (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Exhibitor ribbons for your company’s representatives
    -Recognition as an exhibitor in online and printed meeting program
    -Pre and Post event attendees list
  • -Complimentary reserved booth at Fall Meeting and registration for two (2) company representatives

    -The Reverse Expo allows Vendors the opportunity to network with Pharmacy Leadership, meet face-to-face with multiple Pharmacy Leaders in one location and meet briefly with each Pharmacy Leader and engage in one-on-one discussions
  • -T-shirts will be distributed onsite to all conference attendees -Your one-color logo (white) will be imprinted on t-shirt along with the ALSHP logo -Recognition as T-shirt sponsor in online and printed meeting programs -Logo required to be sent to ALSHP 60 days in advance to allow for production time -Cost includes t-shirt production. T-shirts will be selected and purchased by ALSHP.
  • -15-minute promotional opportunity to network with attendees in between sessions
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend the 2025 Summer Meeting (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Complimentary table will be provided during break for promotional use
    -Recognition as Break sponsor in online and printed meeting program
    -May be scheduled during any of ALSHP’s morning or afternoon break times
    -Choice of Break option (Food costs are NOT included)
    -Email blast of Product Theater sent by ALSHP to all attendees within 2 weeks of meeting
  • -50-minute promotional sessions that provide the sponsor with live marketing opportunity
    -Email blast of Dinner Sponsorship sent by ALSHP to all attendees within 2 weeks of meeting
    -Dinner Sponsor is responsible for securing the restaurant (if offsite), as well as, all of the food, beverage, and audio-visual expenses.
    -This sponsorship is solely promotion of your event to promote your dinner to attendees. This opportunity includes promotion of the dinner event.
    -Recognition as Sponsor in the 2025 Summer Meeting online and printed meeting program
    - Fee is required to host an event and is waived if you are a Gold, Platinum or Diamond Sponsor
  • -This session allows Vendors the opportunity to network with Pharmacy Leadership
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend the 2025 Summer Meeting Reverse Expo
    -Meet face-to-face with multiple Pharmacy Leaders in one location
    -Meet briefly with each Pharmacy Leader and engage in one-on-one discussions
    - Due to timing and room capacity, additional representatives cannot be added unless a separate registration is purchased at full price
  • -Complimentary table for promotional material during the Sponsored Lunch
    -Complimentary exhibitor registration for two (2) company representatives to attend the 2025 Summer Meeting (additional registrations may be purchased for $225 per company representative)
    -Greet attendees as they enter lunch
    -Email blast of Exhibition Lunch Sponsorship sent by ALSHP to all attendees
    -Your company name will appear on lunch signage
    -Recognition as an Exhibition Lunch Sponsor in the Summer Meeting online and printed meeting program
    -Choice of menu selection (Food costs are not included in the price listed)

    *Meal Sponsorship is on a first-come, first-served basis. Sponsorship is not final until payment has been received.
    * Meal Sponsorship does not include the cost of food or AV (these are additional charges)
  • -Tote bags will be distributed onsite to all conference attendees -Your one-color logo (white or black based on bag) will be imprinted on bag along with the ALSHP logo -Sponsor may provide one piece of marketing collateral to be placed into each attendee’s bag -Recognition as Tote Bag sponsor in online and printed meeting programs -Logo required to be sent to ALSHP 60 days in advance to allow for production time -Cost includes tote bag production. Tote bags will be selected and purchased by ALSHP.


Welcome to the ALSHP Annual Clinical Meeting 2025 Sponsor and Exhibitor Registration Center. This will serve as your access point for all the information you need to prepare for and maximize your event.  You may find details about the various opportunities in our ALSHP PROSPECTUS 2025

Please note: our online registration software only allows one type event to be selected per registration.  For multiple events you may register separately for each, or contact us for a consolidated invoice. Click here for ALSHP 2025 W-9

Tentative Agenda

Sunday, June 22, 2025

   Exhibitor Set Up: 1:00pm- 4:00pm

   Reverse Expo: 3:30pm- 5:30pm

   Welcome Reception and Exhibition: 5:30pm- 7:30pm

Monday, June 23, 2025

   Morning Break and Exhibition: 9:30am- 10:30am

   Exhibitor Tear Down: 11:00am- 12:00pm

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