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ALSHP Resident Seminar Webinar Series: Snakes and Livers and Kidneys, Oh My!

  • Thu, May 23, 2024
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • https://meet.goto.com/ALSHP/alshp-resident-seminar-webinar-series


  • Non-member of ALSHP. ALSHP will refund your registration fee if you join ALSHP within 30 days. Email members@alshp.org

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ALSHP 2024 Resident Seminar Webinar Series

Thursday May 23, 2024  Noon  CDT

Intended Audience: Pharmacists

Battle for the Bite: CroFab Versus ANAVIP

Allison Burdick, PharmD

PGY-2 Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident at Jackson Hospital and Clinic 

Management of Hepatorenal Syndrome
Christian Hardrick, PharmD

 PGY-2 Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Resident at Jackson Hospital and Clinic 

Program Director:  J. Luke Britton, PharmD, BCCCP, BCPS

Pharmacist Learning Objectives:

  • Describe the different between CroFab and ANAVIP
  • Discuss literature regarding the use of both CroFab and ANAVIP for crotalid snake envenomation
  • Identify ways to incorporate discussion into clinical practice
  • Describe the pathophysiology of hepatorenal syndrome
  • Identify different treatment regimens for the management of hepatorenal syndrome

Alabama Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.  Each program is approved for 1 hr (0.1 ceu) CPE credit.  Participants must pre-register, participate in the entire presentation, and complete the online course evaluation to receive continuing pharmacy education credit. Proof of participation will be posted to your NABP CPE profile within 60 days for participants who have successfully completed all requirements.  There is no fee for ALSHP member pharmacists. Non-member pharmacist fee: $25 which is refundable when joining ALSHP within 30 days of the program date. Participants in this activity are subject to the Terms and Conditions for ALSHP meetings and events. Contact mail@alshp.org for questions about this CPE activity. 

UAN:  0172-0000-24-027-L01-P  Release Date 5/23/2024

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