Announcing a Webinar Brought to you by the Bay Area Health-System Pharmacy Society (BAHPS), an affiliate of ALSHP
Title: Fostering a Culture of Safety
Thursday August 26, 2021, 12 Noon CDT
Speaker: Trey Gwin, RPh, MBA
Targeted Audience: Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
Pharmacist Objectives:
- Identify, evaluate, and categorize a medication error by harm risk score
- Interpret and analyze trends in medication error data
- Recognize the pharmacist’s role to promote safety in the medication use system
Pharmacy Technician Objectives:
- Identify, evaluate, and categorize a medication error by harm risk score
- Discuss the value of a pharmacy technician safety advocate
- Recognize the pharmacy technician’s role to promote safety in the medication use system
Pharmacist Credit Alabama Society of Health-System Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This program is approved for 1 hour (0.1 CEUs) of continuing pharmacy education credit. Proof of participation will be posted to your NABP CPE profile within 4 to 6 weeks to participants who have successfully completed the requirements. Participants must participate in the entire presentation and complete the course evaluation to receive continuing pharmacy education credit. UAN TBA. Date: August 26, 2021
Requirements to earn continuing education credit: Participants must register, participate in the webinar for the full-time, and complete the on-line activity evaluation form. The activity evaluation form must be completed within 14 days of the event to receive continuing education credit.
Webinar Information:
Join from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States:
+1 (224) 501-3412
Access Code: 712-585-845
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This webinar is open to all members of BAHPS and ALSHP